Sunday, November 1, 2009

we ask the questions

However may you be;
you—me and wherever you
sing chips my teeth and licks my naval,
I look when dressing up, underwear crooked,
One arm in my sleeve—“if the earth suddenly stops
I’ll fly 300000 miles per hour into the wall.” I
Deck down to the ground and hold my position. “ the
G-force is sure to kill me.” Panicked I swore out loud no one could hear me.
Time running hot, quick, fast I sought retreat in the bathroom, leaving
Everything but my Dictaphone.
Doorknob moist sponged into my
Dry hands like clay river banks
I open and travel steam-blinded endlessly
To the end of the bottomless.
Gas chamber Irish Spring
To find the living dreaming in
The shower whistling bird-orchestras
With mouth/heart/body/soul.
and wherever you
sing chips my teeth and licks my naval. Lifting in my shoes
smiling leverage carries me
I float unconscious with
blood dancing out from my gums.

Sober Poem: Drunk Pen; Drunk Author: Forgotten Poem

I returned to the fissured path, struck with immediate inspiration, loose on companions and instructions; developing mind points the way to the middle. Coughing shoestrings, holding my breath so my teeth won’t fall, fingers resting on mescaline, balls released and floating lightly on oil. Everything forms a straight line and when I walk, they curve, when I cry; hexagons consolidate. Sounds in the distance, coming nearer in the interior; too far running in the exterior.
Seventy-cents-on-the-dollar and a dolla’ costs nothing and the nothing I praise is all I have.

One Too Many

I'm back to smoking Reds again,
because the summer nights are
so short now and the begging air
chills floating on moisture.

Maybe my conscience gained more
traction, feet tired, lost in
the fight for balance
but there is new ground to be discovered.

My surroundings are drifting, gaping
and individualizing their complications
like how flakes of snow
separate from the clouds.

The dull is in new light this night,
returned in its proper slot
to this unfocused eye singing:
the past is smaller than ever.

Who owns
what? I can
never tel

Borders Experience 1

I cross my legs and kneel in an awkward composure as I reach out
my irises to read the titles of Nietzsche’s myriad books and
translations. I do not dare to touch a single one but I stay still
avoiding any movement in the presence of such brilliance aware at any
gesture that I may produce will engulf me for sure. My heart rate
increases slightly and my limp arms begin to sway in a awful manner I
stop myself before my ignorance prevails I couldn't take it any
longer, I stand up and walk away considering a full bodied tattoo of
this lusted over character.

leave it to the last minute

something is at stake, here, to even imagine for a second
it won't even make it on TV, that,
you can't Tivo it, or view it, or, do i dare say,
control it with a remote! Oh GOD, oh no no!
least a novel, at least a indie film, that nobody will watch,
or critique, and if it won't be a Mozilla bookmark i might as
well blow my brains out, or gnash my teeth to nub
or if not all this, a post-it note that lost it's glue
a drunk tattoo
middle school poem
a drinking-game
luggage tag

and to think, for a millisecond that. after all this,
after all the spiders i swallowed, that
i won't be famous
goshhhh i'm gonna scare my kids to it
but then they'll end up lawyers


The Same CCR Song All Week The Fuckers!

1)Bike trail; race him quick
Knees diving in little circles
Grip pigment rubs off

2)Two cigarettes flipped out
In the pack I quit smoking
One unlit between lips

3)Fast air zooms through hair
At the wet points hover far
Head bowed forward: trance

4)There seems to be light
Headed for measured balance
I wanted it better

5)Engulfed by arrows;
Judging, laughing, trying to
Be more nonchalant

6)One by one, they dive
Into the light blue water
Holding in deep breaths

7)The city remains before
The divinities, shyly
In a Monet fog


Telling secrets behind the couch,
dirty jokes, and half billion pieces
I doubt rolling down my throat

“you can’t keep anything from me.”

As I’m in the bathroom with my
ass melting in the sink
leg pinned to the wall
hands seeking movement

Arms twisting in opposing motives as my
Spine fucks my brain in its climb
Through myholyfuckholyfuckholyfuck

Telling secrets behind the couch,
dirty jokes, and half billion pieces
I doubt rolling down my throat

“touch only for the free”

As the ceiling falls and doubles
in front of me
curls and flattens
the wind around me

Hair nets like a drunk Hydra
With spikes jetting out my lusting follicles
Cuts circulation butholyholyhol

Telling secrets behind the couch,
dirty jokes, and half billion pieces
I doubt rolling down my throat

“God couldn’t be the same”

As my cells chain in perpetual
trepid circles messily weighing
my ear into silent discourse:

“All has left and I have taken it.
All was done and I have ruined it.
I was God, but he missed the show
Only when nobody was watchingholyholyHOLY”